Friday, 31 January 2025

Facts about Hitler you didn’t know!

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Facts about Hitler you didn’t know! 

Below: In Brief

While still in school, I had heard about the book on Hitler, Mein Kampf, but got to see the movie by the same name many years later. Also got an opportunity to see a few documentaries on the life, policies, and actions of Adolf Hitler. But still, I didn’t understand him or his policies and actions. And wished to know more about him as a person and leader of Nazi Germany. One thing that everyone talks about is his hatred for Jews, and he was a powerful orator who mesmerized the Germans, uniting them and making them believe they were superior. 

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Hitler was known for hate, inciting German people, and the crimes he committed by attacking countries in Europe. When it comes to the many atrocities that Adolf Hitler committed throughout his life, everyone knows these facts about Hitler. He was the one responsible for killing no less than 6 million Jewish people during the Holocaust and even more civilians during World War II. Even though the Nazi dictator is one of the most documented politicians in history, there are some details not many people know about. 

People passionate about history and about knowing more about people who made their mark on the world, and the Nazi dictator was one of the personalities that surprised all the most. And I’m pretty sure he will do the same to you. Here are some facts about Hitler you’ve never heard of. You will find it interesting and weird. This will give you a glimpse of his personality and mind. He was sharp, ruthless, paranoid, and portrayed a strong personality. 

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Born: April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria

Died: April 30, 1945, Berlin (in a bunker), Germany

Cause of Death: Suicide by gunshot

Height: 5'9" (1.75m)

Spouse: Eva Braun (1945-1945)

Partner: Eva Braun (1945-1945), Maria Reiter, Geli Raubal

Parents: Klara Hitler, Alois Hitler

Children: Jean-Marie Loret

Education: Lambach Abbey, Bundesrealgymnasium Linz Fadingerstraße

Important works: Helmut Qualtinger liest Mein Kampf, War Comes to America, The Battle of Russia, Triumph of the Will

Written: Mein Kampf, Hitlers Zweites Buch

Party affiliation: Nazi Party  


He was a powerful orator who could influence the minds of people. One of the most well-known facts about Hitler is his affinity for speeches. He was trying so hard to make a good impression and to make people believe all the words that he was saying that he was very self-conscious about the way his words matched his body language. So, the megalomaniac Adolf Hitler was trying so hard to have a perfect image all the time that he had photographer Heinrich Hoffman take pictures of him making speeches.

Yes, that’s right; the Nazi dictator didn’t want any weird photos of him going around, which is exactly why he told Hoffman to delete all those rehearsal photos. But the photographer didn’t follow the politician’s order, and he kept the photos hidden and eventually included them in his memoir. The book is named “Hitler Was My Friend: The Memoirs of Hitler’s Photographer,” and if you want to check out what Hoffman said and take a look at those unknown pictures, you can find it in the book. 

Walt Disney

While we all know that Disney represents films and cartoons for children and for families to watch together, while looking for facts about Hitler, we discovered that he was very impressed by Disney. Generations have been hooked on his films and cartoons. The reason wasn’t exactly the good impression those films made on him; actually, he believed that Disney was very forward with technology. He liked the gorgeous animations that were displayed on “Snow White,” and there’s a rumor saying that he also liked “King Kong” thanks to the special effects. Some facts about Hitler say that he was so impressed by those 2 Disney movies that he was constantly watching them. 


Some accused him of having mental issues. He was a very paranoid person. He was so troubled-minded that he hired plenty of food tasters. That might not sound so weird, but rumors say that it was like a double-faced thing, because on one side, his employees were able to enjoy plenty of delicious German foods (although it was a time of starvation and rations), while on the other hand, he put those people in prison after an assassination attempt. So, now you believe that some facts about Hitler are pure madness! 

Have you ever wondered what exactly made Hitler turn into such a mean and sadistic human being? Some experts say that the reason he became addicted to his life of fascism was the fact that he was rejected from art school. He didn’t give up the first time he was rejected, and when he tried to get in the second time, he wasn’t even allowed to take a seat on the entry exams. He tried to get into the art school before World War I, but he didn’t succeed, and later he volunteered for the German Army. I guess that’s how everything started. But going back to his painting career, some people say that he was a subpar artist, while others think that he was indeed a very talented man and things could’ve been different if other artists saw his potential. 

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Spending money

Did you know that Adolf Hitler liked to spend money on materialistic things? While it’s well known that the Nazi dictator was out of control in general, biographer Volker Ullrich discovered that the Fuhrer actually liked to spend thousands and thousands on different things, such as clothing items, cars, and champagne. He did all of these things while he kept pretending that he was a man of the people, but not all of those people had the amount of money that he had. 


We continue with these facts about Hitler because some of them might shock you. Many people know that Adolf Hitler was an Austrian whose family moved to Germany when he was only a kid, but what not many of them know is that he started developing a strong passion for Germany when he was little. He was very loyal to the country that became his home, and he has had many nationalistic ideas ever since. When he was going out with his friends, he used the greeting “Heil,” and besides that, he never sang the national anthem of Austria but preferred to interpret the one of Germany instead. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945.


You already know that Hitler believed that the Aryan race was superior and that any other race that wasn’t pure, such as gypsies, Jews, and Slavs, wasn’t good for the country. However, he never forgot who helped him and his family, and he made an exception. Speaking of that, one of the facts about Hitler that you absolutely have to know is that Hitler’s family physician was actually Jewish, and his name was Eduard Bloch. Even though he took care of the entire family, he mainly administered medical care to Adolf’s mother, Klara (his mother was the one that supported his son in his desire to have an art career), when she was a victim of breast cancer. 

Hitler’s family wasn’t exactly wealthy, and when they were short on money, but Klara’s situation wasn’t any better, Bloch would give them discounts or even treatments for free. The Nazi dictator never forgot this, and the doctor’s good heart earned him special protection after the Nazis managed to annex Austria. He was a good person for Hitler, and he even referred to the doctor as a “noble Jew” or “Edeljude.”. 


One of the facts about Hitler that you might not know is that he was a vegetarian. He used to eat meat, but he stopped in the 1930s. In 1938, everyone knew that he had adopted a vegetarian lifestyle, and in 1942, he admitted it. The Nazi dictator was so into the vegetarian lifestyle that he tried to make other people stop eating meat by telling them bizarre stories of animals that were suffering or that were slaughtered. That’s pretty ironic, isn’t it? These facts about Hitler are pretty shocking.  


One of the things that Hitler managed to keep hidden from the public eye was his love life. By the end of 1932 approximately a year after his half-niece, Geli Raubal, took her own life with her uncle’s gun in his apartment, he fell in love with a woman named Eva Braun. Hitler didn’t want her to be involved in politics, and for many years, Germany didn’t even know that he had a special someone, or if he had, nobody knew what that person looked like. Mrs. Braun was a photographer who didn’t care about antisemitism, and she didn’t get involved in the Nazi Party.

She was the one who took plenty of Adolf Hitler’s photos and films, and she was a key person in the dictator’s social circle. They were together for 14 years but only got married on the last day of their lives. When Hitler found out that Germany might lose the war, he decided to take his own life, and his new wife decided to join him. He killed himself by taking a cyanide pill and then shooting himself in the head, while Eva Braun swallowed a cyanide capsule. These events happened on April 30th, 1945, in his Berlin bunker. 

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Killed his own pet

He was very close to his dog, a German shepherd named Blondi. He taught her different tricks, and some sources say that he loved her more than he actually loved Eva. However, other people say that when Blondi was disobedient, he would severely punish her, and when his anger would go away, he would simply go to the dog and act like nothing bad ever happened. Blondi was a special dog for him, and he sometimes allowed her to sleep in his bed. Moreover, Blondi helped Hitler during his Nazi propaganda because people saw him with her so many times that he managed to portray himself as an animal lover, which earned him a positive reaction from the public. 

However, a day before he decided to take his life, he received cyanide capsules from Heinrich Himmler’s Schutzstaffel to avoid being captured by the Allies. It seemed that he already planned to put Blondi down as a way to not allow the Russians to capture her, so he decided to put his plan into action and test the efficacy of the pills at the same time. He told Dr. Werner Haase to give the capsules to his dear Blondi, and she died. The next day, Hitler and his wife were dead too.

Hitler has been the most written-about person in history. His oratory skills united the German people, and he could make them believe they were superior to other races. His ambition was to rule Europe and later on conquer the world. He was mean, sadistic, ruthless, and smart, who changed the course of history of Europe and the world.

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In Brief

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If a girl argues unnecessarily, she’s ready for marriage!

 *A wise man said –

If you feel cold, simply talk to your wife.

You will be warm in no time!

*If your wife talks to you gently and nicely,

It’s an indication the storm is not far away!

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