Thursday 27 May 2021

Granny’s Home remedy and Spice guide

 Grand Ma's Home remedy and Spice guide

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In India, most of you must have heard – Dadi ma’s remedy, which means –Granny’s home remedy for aches, pains and minor illness. She was the doctor at home whom most of the Indian mothers would consult. She picked up the nuances and cures from her mother and grandmother. So it was handed over from generation after generation. And the best part is it worked. And the ingredients used in the home cure were mostly available at home in the form of spices.

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Sometime or the other, you must have had some problem like toothache, pain, burn, stomachache, gas or even a headache. And your mother or grandmother may have suggested you some ready home remedy with the help of spices and herbs. And it worked wonders for you. Here we give below some of the spices and their natural properties that help cure or cease certain routine illness, pain or troubleshooters. This led to what we call, - Dadi ma's Remedy.   

Turmeric contains liver protecting compounds. Herbalists use extracts to prevent and treat conditions such as Hepatitis, Cirrhosis and Jaundice. It calms the digestive system and stimulates the gall bladder to release bile, which improves the body's ability to digest fats. Adding to it beans and pulses can help reduce gas and bloating. Curcumin, an active component, is thought to have anti-tumour effects. Many people have a warm glass of milk with a pinch of turmeric. It helps immunity and even drives away cold 

Cardamom is an excellent digestive tonic and is also used to treat some respiratory disorders, says medical herbalist Debbie Kinloch. The seeds contain volatile oils, including borneol, camphor and pinene. Chewing on them directly releases these components and gives a feeling of comforting warmth that eases indigestion, flatulence and colic.

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Latest research indicates that cinnamon can inhibit the growth of dangerous E-coli bacteria when added to foods. It can treat stomach upsets and vomiting, and reduce cold and flu symptoms. Adding a dash to honey and lemon drink can help soothe a sore throat. It is also an antispasmodic and thus ideal to ease menstrual cramps if taken as cinnamon tea. 

Eaten with oily fish or rich meat, horseradish acts as an excellent aid to digestive organs. It also increases urinary flow, and an infusion made using 1 oz of fresh horseradish and 1/2 oz crushed mustard seeds in a pint of boiling water (take 2-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.) can disperse excess fluid and reduce water retention. 

Cloves have strong antiseptic and germicidal qualities. They are a well-known toothache remedy. Apply clove oil to the affected area or try clamping a clove between your teeth. The spice is thought to act as a mild local anesthetic. Clove oil can repel insects. It’s also believed that half-cut lemon poked with 5-6 cloves drives away mosquitoes and acts as a mosquito repellant. 

Lemongrass has a long history of use in Indian medicine, particularly against infections, illness and fevers. It has antiseptic qualities and can be a general tonic. Lemongrass oil can be used in a burner to kill cold viruses. A couple of drops added to bath water helps freshen and deodorize the body. The oil may also help to ease headaches, but can be an irritant and must be well diluted in a carrier oil before being massaged into the temples and forehead.

High in ingredients that soothe and heal, freshly ground seeds can be used as an infusion (1 oz of seeds in a pint of boiling water) to ease inflammatory conditions of the stomach and intestines. Fenugreek can be used in a soothing poultice for abscesses and boils. It should not be used medicinally in pregnancy. 

A warming spice, credited with opening the blood vessels and stimulating circulation. During the shivery stages of an infection, it can promote a fever and hasten healing. If you feel a cold coming on, try taking fresh grated ginger and honey in a tumbler of boiling water. Ginger's warming effects have also been held to reduce rheumatic aches and pains. It can also be used to lessen the symptoms of morning sickness and ease indigestion.

Nutmeg contains myristin, a substance that, in small amounts, can cause drowsiness and a sense of well-being, says diet consultant Joanna Hall. Just a pinch of the finely grated spice can also treat flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Grated nutmeg in a suitable carrier ointment is reputedly excellent for hemorrhoids. But too much nutmeg taken internally is highly dangerous. As little as two whole nutmegs could cause death. 

Chilli peppers are, in fact, a fruit and they provide three times more vitamin C than oranges. Moderate amounts of any type of fresh or powdered chilli will induce the body to sweat – a cooling mechanism which could explain the seemingly perverse popularity of chillies in hot climates. The unique chilli pepper heat comes from a component called capsaicin, which is concentrated in the internal white ribs and seeds. Capsaicin can relieve nerve pain and is used in a medically prescribed cream to ease the pain of shingles. Herbalists advocate the consumption of chilli to warm the body, improve the circulation and stimulate the metabolism. However, chillies may be contraindicated in certain hot conditions, such as acne rosacea, which causes abnormal facial flushing. 

Fenugreek Seeds - It cures dandruff. Soak 2 tablespoons of it in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leave for half an hour. Wash with mild shampoo. 

Calendula - It is used for treating skin inflammations, healing wounds, bruises, burns, insect stings. The herb could also be used for stopping external bleeding and treating eye inflammations. 

Chamomile - In times of anxiety and with bouts of insomnia it can be very helpful. It claims the nerves and decreases tension and can be used as eyewash for conjunctivitis. 

Peppermint - Peppermint is a cooling herb and is used to lower fevers. It helps in relieving menstrual cramps. When used as steam it helps in curing congestion.  

Cocoa - It is useful for treating blood pressure, altitude illness, gastrointestinal ailments and motion sickness. It can be administered as an instant tea. Boil a cocoa leaf when making tea. 

Lavender - Lavender is used to ease stress headaches. It is good for digestion and is used as a stomach tonic for indigestion, stomach cramps, flatulence and loss of appetite.

Lemon Balm - It is used to cure depression. Its cooling action makes it useful for breaking fevers. This plant is also used for cold and flu or any kind of virus.  

Jaggery, coconut, honey, garlic, turmeric and many other herbs and spices used in every-day life play an important role in home remedies and cures effectively. It’s our first line of defence and your granny or even your mom will tell you about it.

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All about food            

Say cheers in Bengaluru

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Welcome to Mangalore –

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Just a few hours from Goa, you should visit Mangalore – a place that promises to give you an unforgettable experience to make it perfect in every sense, sightseeing and seafood.

Mangalore offers a seamless connection to Kerala – God’s own country!

The only way to get a true flavor of Mangalore is to plan a visit to this city where the old and modern co-exist. And the friendly people of different faiths live in harmony.

And you want to make everything special when you visit your favorite destination?Make it easy for you to spend your holidays in homely comfort of a homestay. You have the option of hotels, resorts and home-stay providing cosy comfort for a fun vacation. Mangalore is famous for its seafood and other delicacies.

Mangalore is easily accessible by road, railway & air.

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Coorg, in Karnataka, India


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Anil Naik

WhatsApp: 91 9969154602


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Friday 14 May 2021

Tips for keeping Healthy

Tips for keeping Healthy and  Fit

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A healthy body keeps one physically and mentally fit. And this makes one a happy and positive person who thinks and does his work properly. Be it physical or mental work. It also leads to a healthy and positive mind. Given below are some health tips offered by experts in the field of health and wellness.

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Here are some tips to keep you healthy and fit. Have some regular strenuous exercise for at least for 15 minutes to half an hour each day, preferably in the morning.  This helps to keep fit and fresh. It also energises your body. Running, cycling, swimming, brisk walking will help to reduce your fat; it also burns out the excess calories.  Overweight is the cause of many diseases and if you are overweight, you should reduce your food intake that are rich in calories.  If you spend more calories in work than what you take from food you will lose weight and vice versa.  It is all a question of calories balance.  The intake of healthy food, fruits, vegetables, pulses and other diet help not only in keeping you healthy and fit, it also improves your complexion and body shape.

The number of calories spent, by doing some of the most common exercises are as follows:

For a model man of 70 kg weight


Calories spent

Walking at 5 km per hour 

5 calories per minute


8 calories per minute


20 calories per minute


11 calories per minute


1.3 calories per minute

Obesity, smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure are some of the few risk factors that could lead to health problems and heart attack.  A good control over these factors is essential.  High blood pressure to start with will not produce any symptoms unless you get the blood pressure checked periodically. You may never know that you have high blood pressure. Try to abstain yourself from heavy smoking and regular intake of alcohol as both have negative effect on the body.  Heavy smoking not only increases the risk of heart attack but also reduces the capacity of lungs and can cause cancer of the lungs. Alcoholism on the other hand results in poor habits, can cause protein and vitamin deficiencies. Heavy drinking can result in severe liver damage and vomiting of blood and can cause brain damage and lead to other health complications.

Desirable Weight   (Kgs)











50.7 - 54.4

53.5  - 57.1

57.1 - 63.9


52.1 - 55.8

54.8 - 60.3

58.5 - 65.3


53.5 - 57.1

56.2 - 61.6

59.8 - 67.1


54.8 - 58.5

57.8- 63.0

61.2 -68.9


56.2 - 60.3

59.0 - 64.8

62.6 - 70.7






59.8 - 63.9

62.6 - 68.9

66.6 - 75.2


61.6 - 65.7

64.4 - 70.7

68.4 - 77.1


63.4 - 68.0

66.6 - 72.5

70.3 - 78.9


65.3 - 69.8

68.0 -74.8

72.1 - 81.1


67.1 -71.6

69.8 - 77.1

75.3 -83.4


68.9 - 73.4

71.6 -79.3

76.1- 85.7


70.7 - 75,7

73.4 - 81.6

78.4 - 87.9 


72.5 - 77.5

75.7 - 83.9

80.7 - 90.2


74.3 - 79.3

78.0 - 86.1

82.5 - 92.5

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41.7 - 44.4

43.5 - 48.5

47.1 - 53.9


42.6 - 45.8

44.4 - 49.9

48.0 - 55.3


43.5 - 47.1

45.8 - 51.2

49.4 - 56.7


44.9 - 48.5

47.1 - 52.6

50.8 - 58.0


46.2 - 49.9

48.5 - 53.9

52.1 -59.4


47.6 - 51.2

49.9 - 55.3

53.5 - 60.7


49.0 - 52.6

51.2 - 57.1

54.9 - 62.6


50.3 - 53.9

52.6 - 58.9

56.7 - 64.4


51.6 - 55.8

54.4 - 61.2

58.5 - 66.2


53.5 - 57.6

56.2 - 63.0

60.3 -68.0


54.8 - 59.4

58.0 - 64.8

62.1 - 69.8


57.1 - 61.2

59.8 - 66.6

63.9 - 71.6


58.9 - 63.5

61.6 - 68.4

65.7 - 73.9


60.7 - 65.3

63.5 -70.3

67.5 - 76.2


62.6 - 67.1

65.3 -72.1

69.4 - 78.4    

Also read:  All about food      *     You too can design your home 


Zodiac Signs - what they say!

Sign & Date




Aries - March 21st- April 20th 
Active with charming manners. Adventurous and quick tempered.



Taurus - April 21st -May 20th Obstinate and headstrong. Attractive personality



Gemini - May 21st- June 20th.  Impulsive whimsical and somewhat changeable.



Cancer - Jun 21st - Jul 20th.  Capable of Joy and friendship. Straight forward and generous.



Leo- Jul 21st - Aug 20th.  Courageous, Dynamic and fearless. Idealist, proud and sensitive.



Virgo - Aug 21st -Sep 20th.  Honest, Sincere and reliable. Responsible in matters of importance. 



Libra- Sep 21st - Oct 20th.  Charming Graceful and attractive. Touchy and Emotional. Quick to anger.



Scorpio-Oct 21st- Nov 20th. Magnetic personality. Difficult to understand because of a tendency to be secretive.



Sagittarius-Nov 21st-Dec 20th, Honest, sincere & frank. Quick to anger. Rebels to any form of  resistance.



Capricorn-Dec-21st-Jan 20th. Thoughtful and diplomatic. Pleasing to meet with charming manners.



Aquarius-Jan 21st -Feb 20th.  Daring and honest. Self-willed. Dislike pattiness in others.


Bear   Amethyst

Pisces-Feb 21st-Mar 20th. Highly impressionable. Capable of deep and intense feeling. Self confident.




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Kovalam beach in Kerala, India



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Anil Naik

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