The 1988
Maldives coup d'état was a attempt by a group of Maldivians led by businessman
Abdullah Luthufi and assisted by armed mercenaries of a Tamil secessionist organization
from Sri Lanka, the People's Liberation Organization of Tamil Eelam, to
overthrow the government in the island republic of Maldives. The coup d'état
failed after the Indian Special Forces eliminated the terrorist
leaders of PLOTE. At the realization of the attacks failure, the terrorist
group hijacked a Maldivian freighter named MV Progress Light and attempted to
escape to Sri Lanka. After the terrorists escaped, the Indian Navy was
called for help. They intercepted and captured the mercenaries and they were
brought into custody in an operation code named Operation Cactus. Operation
Cactus was hailed internationally as proof of India’s military prowess.
The 1980 and 1983 coup d'état attempts
against Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s presidency were not considered serious, the
third coup d'état attempt in November 1988 alarmed the international community.

About 80 armed PLOTE mercenaries, backed
by Maldivian businessman Luthufi, landed in the
capital Malé before dawn aboard speedboats from a hijacked Sri Lankan
freighter. Disguised as tourists, a similar number had already infiltrated Malé
earlier. The mercenaries quickly gained control of the capital, including the
major government buildings, port, television and radio stations. The
mercenaries then marched towards the Presidential
Palace where President Gayoom was residing with his family. But
before they reached the Presidential Palace, President Gayoom was escorted by
Maldivian National Security Advisor to the Defence Minister's home. The Defence
Minister then escorted the President to a safe house. Meanwhile, the
mercenaries had seized the Presidential Palace and managed to take the
Maldivian Education Minister as hostage.

President Gayoom’s Foreign Minister requested
military intervention from Sri Lanka and Pakistan, but both
denied any help, citing a lack of military capabilities. The president then
requested Singapore’s intervention, but declined, citing the same reasons.
After that, he contacted the United States, but was told that it will take
them 2–3 days to reach the Maldives from their nearest military base
in Diego Garcia, 1000 km away. The president then contacted the United
Kingdom, which advised them to seek assistance from India. Following
this, President Gayoom contacted the Indian government for assistance. India
swiftly accepted their request and an emergency meeting arranged at
the Secretariat Building in New Delhi. Within 16 hours of
the SOS, India was ready to commence their operation.
Under the guidance of then Prime Minister Rajiv
Gandhi, India responded with an overwhelming speed and efficiency. At 1530
hours on 3 November 1988, India approved the dispatch of troops to the
Maldives, said an excerpt from India’s Ocean: The Story of India’s Bid for
Regional Leadership by David Brewster.
Troops were deployed in one swift motion. Less than
16 hours since President Gayoom’s SOS call, Indian paratroopers were en route,
leaving from the Agra Air Force Station on an Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft.
The operation started on the night of 3 November
1988, when Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft of the Indian Air Force airlifted
the men and material of the 50th Independent Parachute Brigade, commanded
by Brigadier Farukh Bulsara, the 6th Battalion of the Parachute
Regiment, and, the 17th Parachute Field Regiment from Agra Air Force
Station. After a non-stop journey covering over 2,500 kilometres, the aircraft
of the 44 Squadron of the Indian Air Force landed at Hulhule Airport in
nine hours after the request. Barely a kilometre from the besieged capital, the
troops quickly began their advance into the capital.

The Indian paratroopers immediately secured
the airfield, crossed over to Malé using commandeered boats and rescued
President Gayoom. The paratroopers restored control of the capital to President
Gayoom's government within hours. Some of the mercenaries fled toward Sri
Lanka in a hijacked freighter, MV Progress Light. Those unable to reach the ship in time were
quickly rounded up and handed over to the Maldives government. Nineteen people
reportedly died in the fighting, most of them mercenaries. The dead included
two hostages killed by the mercenaries. . The INS Godavari and INS Betwa of the
Indian Navy intercepted the freighter off the Sri Lanka coast. Two Sea-King
Mk.42 choppers of the fleet dropped depth charges, blocking the mercenaries
attempt to escape. While the vessel evaded arrest that day, it was boarded the
next day by commandos of the Indian Marine Strike Force (now known as the
Marcos), and taken over with no incident.
The swift intervention by the Indian military and
accurate intelligence successfully quelled the attempted coup d'état in the
island nation. It was a very well planned mission and everything went as per
plan. The Indian army, air force and navy played an effective role in a foreign
The militants’ made a fatal mistake that helped the
Indians landing easy in Maldives. While the PLOTE militants seized many key
points across the city, the one area they had forgotten to keep an eye on was
Hulhule Airport. With no one keeping watch over this point of entry, Indian
troops landed, and quickly took control of the airport. They then made their
way into the capital using commandeered boats and rescued President Gayoom,
driving out the militants.
The mission was concluded with no casualties to the
Indian side, save for one soldier who reportedly shot himself in the foot. Operation
Cactus was testimony to the fact that India could play a role in ensuring
security in Asia. India’s swift, decisive action was hailed by the
international community, ranging from US President Ronald Reagan to Margaret
Thatcher. India received international praise for the operation. United States
President Ronald Reagan expressed his appreciation for India's
action, calling it "a valuable contribution to regional stability".
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher reportedly commented,
‘"Thank God for India: President Gayoom's government has been saved".
But the intervention nevertheless caused some disquiet among India's neighbours
in South Asia.

According to Rejaul Karim Laskar, a scholar
of Indian foreign policy, India's intervention in the attempted coup
became necessary as in the absence of Indian intervention, external powers
would have been tempted to intervene or even to establish bases
in Maldives, which being in India’s backyard would have been
detrimental to India's national interest. India, therefore,
intervened with "Operation Cactus".
In July 1989, India repatriated the mercenaries
captured on board the hijacked freighter to Maldives to stand trial.
President Gayoom commuted the death sentences passed against them to life
The 1988 coup d'état had been headed by a prominent
Maldivian businessman named Abdullah Luthufi, who was operating a farm in Sri
Lanka. Former Maldivian President Ibrahim Nasir was also accused, but
denied any involvement in the coup d'état. In fact, in July 1990, President
Gayoom officially pardoned Nasir in absentia in recognition of his role in
obtaining Maldives' independence. The operation also
strengthened Indo-Maldivian relations as a result of the successful
restoration of the Gayoom government.
India’s then-Cabinet Secretary, BG Deshmukh had
this to say about Operation Cactus:
Operation Cactus enhanced India’s prestige
enormously and showed our efficiency and capability to mount a successful
operation at short notice. There was universal acknowledgement of our role as a
police force in the area.
Also read:
India China diplomatic row in 1967
touching story)
Four walls
don’t make a home!
India was partitioned in 1947 into India and
Pakistan. Overnight people became refugees. People from both sides were
crossing over to the other side. People were being massacred on either side,
with over 10 million people lost their lives. This was the darkest chapter in
Indian history. And Chopra and family was one of them. An affluent Punjabi
family with a big house, property and business, had to leave it all overnight
and cross over to the Indian side as refugees.
Most of the Hindu refugees mainly from Punjab, Sind
and other places were given refuge by the Indian government in different towns
and cities. Some were put in barracks, government housing buildings and other
places. Some of the affluent refugees were offered small plots of land to
construct houses and live with their own people in some of the suburbs of then
Bombay. Chopra and family too got a plot of land to construct a house and live
with their community.
Chopra’s family consisted of his aged mother, wife
and young children, two sons and a daughter. Being a professional was able to
get some assignments and manage his home. He managed to construct a small house
in the plot of land given by the Indian authorities and have a safe roof over
his head. Slowly they were able to come to grips with their fate. But they were
happy that all were safe and together. Days passed by, and were trying to
settle down in the new city, new environment and among new people.
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Children were attending school, Chopra was busy
with his profession and doing well. Next he added a floor to the house. Since
Chopra’s aged mother and his wife were not comfortable living in the same
house, the family shifted to the top floor, while his aged mother lived on the
ground floor. Chopra shared his free time with his mother on the ground floor
and his family on the first floor. Now things were going smooth and they were
settling down in the new place.
Years passed by, Chopra and his family was living a
happy and peaceful life. After a couple of years, his aged mother expired
peacefully. Children grew up, the elder son got admission in IIT, daughter and
the other son would be finishing school in a few years. Time went by and life
was kind to Chopra. They were settled and comfortable in the new city. Slowly
they were re-building their life from scratch.
As years went by, everything was falling in place.
The elder son passed out from IIT. The other son managed to get admission in an
Engineering college and the daughter passed the entrance and got admission in a
Medical College in Mumbai. However as things were going good, his wife fell ill
and after some months, she too expired. Chopra was devastated. Now he was left
with his children. The only solace was that he was living in a colony with
houses and people who too were refugees
like him, some were his old friends. He would share his thoughts and memories
with his contemporaries, of his native place in Punjab, now in Pakistan.
Meanwhile, his daughter and elder son were married.
The younger son went abroad to USA. He lived with his elder son and wife.
Slowly he retired from active life and was happy and healthy. Every morning on
getting up, he would go down and join his old friends for a chat. Later again
in the evening, he would sit with his friends in the colony and talk about
various things, including life in their native place, before crossing over to
India as refugees. And how they re-started their life all over again from
nothing.These meetings was like oxygen to him to energize life being among his own people. He was enjoying his retired life and was happy that his son had
taken over charge of the house.
Age was catching up with Chopra, but he was fit and
healthy. His son who was in to business, established himself and was was doing
well. He had two children, a girl and boy, who were schooling. With success
comes ambition. With residential towers coming up nearby, his son and wife were
keen to move into one of the modern towers. They booked a flat in the one of
the top floors in a nearby tower. Chopra was not keen to shift since coming to
Mumbai with his mother, wife and children had lived in this house he had
constructed, for years. Besides people who too like him had crossed over to India, were staying here as neighbours for
decades. And they were the support system for each other in times of need.
But his son and his wife had made up their mind to
shift to the new flat. Finally convincing his father, they shifted to the new
flat in a tower on the ninth floor with all modern amenities. Chopra felt
isolated and lonely. He couldn’t come down freely to go and meet his old
friends, some distance away. In the earlier house, on getting up, he would walk
down and chat with his old friends. Here it was all quiet, and the loneliness affected his health. Within a couple of months, he fell sick. He started to
sink. Lying on the bed, just staring at the fan and the ceiling, was thinking
about his old house, his friends from Punjab, the chats he had with them.
Though his son got a reputed doctor and best of treatment for him, there was no
improvement; without realizing that his heart was in the old house, among his
old friends, which was like oxygen to him to energize and to keep him fit and healthy. And almost after
a year of shifting, his falling sick and struggling to get back to health, he
expired a lonely man.
Shifting or displacing of the elderly during their
twilight years from old and familiar surrounding and people does more harm to
their psyche and their well being, affecting their health and loneliness creeps
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Sri Krishna Temple, Udupi, Karnataka, India
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