UFOs have
fascinated and puzzled people for decades, yet hard evidence seems ever
elusive. Many people are convinced that not only are extraterrestrials visiting
Earth, but that governments have perpetuated a top-secret global conspiracy to
cover it up. Here's a look at UFOs throughout history.

An unidentified flying object is any aerial phenomenon that cannot
immediately be identified. Most UFOs are identified on investigation as
conventional objects or phenomena. The term is widely used for claimed
observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft.
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Video captured by U.S. Navy pilots offers an inside
look at a secretive government program that investigated
unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.
The first widely publicized UFO sighting took place
in 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed he spotted a group of
high-speed, crescent-shaped, flying objects while piloting his own plane
near Mount Rainier in Washington. The term “flying saucer” originated
from a misprint of Kenneth Arnold’s account of his own sighting, in which he
described seeing the crescent-shaped objects moving through the air “like
saucers skipping on water;” a newspaper report misstated that the objects
themselves were saucer-shaped, thus birthing the idea of the flying saucer.
Today, most people equate UFOs with extraterrestrial intelligence and
advanced technologies, but this is a very recent idea. That's not to say that
historically people did not report seeing unusual things in the skies, for they
surely did: comets, meteors, eclipses and the like had been reported (and
sometimes recorded) for millennia — in fact some researchers believe that the
Star of Bethlehem may have been an illusion created by a merging of Jupiter and
Saturn, which occurred right around Jesus' birth).
In the fifties and sixties a lot of UFO sightings
were reported in America and other countries. But as usual after some
investigations, the matter and report was put in the classified files, nobody
heard about them for years. But some experts say there is some substance in
these sightings. It just can’t be waved off as a myth. Strange flying objects
captured on video by US navy fighter pilots off San Diego in 2004 and in
Atlantic waters in 2015 have been acknowledged by the US navy as ‘unidentified
aerial phenomena.’ Such sightings in different forms have happened earlier too.
But most of them remained hidden in files as classified information. And most
of them haven’t come in public domain or in the media.
The first video was taken in 2004 off the coast of
San Diego and shot by the F-18’s gun camera, while the second and third clips
were both recorded on the same day in Atlantic waters in 2015. The pilots described
what they saw as ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ in the videos, originally
published by the New York Times in 2017 and 2018. Here was strong evidence to
the contrary.
Videos said to have been captured by US fighter
pilots and purporting to show UFOs are real military records of unexplained
aerial encounters, the US navy has said. Footage showing the strange objects maneuvering
at high speed was never meant to be released publicly, it has emerged. It was
to remain in the
secret files without anybody talking about it. But whispers were heard by people
who matter.
A leaked report from the Pentagon quoted some of
the pilots as saying the UFO could make themselves invisible
when near the warplanes. The craft was described by the pilots as, ‘solid,
white, smooth with no edges’ and looked like an elongated egg or Tic Tac. US
navy spokesperson Joseph Gradisher made statement confirming the sightings. The
navy considers the phenomena contained/depicted in those three videos as
unidentified. Gradisher told the Black Vault, a website dedicated to declassified
government documents. This time it has been acknowledged as some real
unexplained phenomena witnessed and recorded by fighter pilots who understand
something about flying objects and can distinguish it from normal flying
In a 2017 interview with the NYT, retired US Navy
commander David Fravor said the 2004 encounter left him ‘pretty weird out.’ The
strange 40 feet oval craft ‘accelerated like nothing I’ve ever seen’ after he
approached it in his F/A-18F Super Hornet. A navy cruiser had been tracking the
object and Fravor encountered it hovering a short distance above the sea, over
a’ boiling’ disturbance in the waves. After it disappeared, Fravor and his
wingman were ordered to fly to a different area 60 miles away, but were told
the craft had beaten them to it before they travelled one-third of the
distance. No normal known flying machine can do it that fast. Sure it was
something different and unexplained.
The navy has not publicly released characterizations
or descriptions nor released any hypothesis or conclusions, in regard to the
objects contained in the referenced videos. The US navy spokesman added, ‘The
Unidentified Aerial Phenonema (UAP) terminology is used because it provides the
basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified
aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of
various military-controlled training ranges.’ Neither the term UFO
(unidentified flying object) or UAP means that the unknown object is deemed
extra-terrestrial, and many such sightings end up having local explanations. It
may be true or may be not. And there ends the investigation.
However in June, three US senators were reportedly
briefed by the Pentagon about recent reports detailing UFO sightings by navy
pilots. US President Trump had also been briefed. So there is something more to
these sightings. Experts are seeking an answer to this happening. Hope as
before it won’t lie buried in the secret files without any explanation.
Also read: USS New York * All about food
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Ghost Mansions of Chettinad, Tamilnadu, India |
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