Tuesday 23 January 2018

Kateel Durga Parameshwari Temple

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South Kanara and Mangalore are known for the numerous beautiful and ancient temples. And Kateel Durga Parmeshwari temple is one of the popular temples.The holy temple is situated on an islet in the middle of the sacred river Nandini amidst panoramic scenes and fascinating greenery. Devotees and followers from all over the world come to Kateel, near Mangalore every year in huge numbers to participate in Simhamaasa, Navarathri and other holy festivals and special occasions. Several educational institutions are also run through the temple's trust....  

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Shree Kateel Durga Parameshwari Temple in Kateel (in Tulu) or Kateelu (in Kannada), is a temple town in Dakshina Kannada or South Kanara district of Karnataka, close to Mangalore. Kateel is located 30 km north of Mangalore city. Travelling to Kateel through the winding roads amidst green hills and valleys is a very pleasant and memorable experience. Thousands of devotees visit Kateel daily to seek the blessing of deity, goddess Durga. 

This picturesque temple abode of goddess Durga Parameshwari located on the banks of river Nandini, a place known for its serene nature and beautiful surroundings. The sacred temple of Mata Durga Parameshwari is located in the middle of the river Nandini. This holy place attracts thousands of devotees from all over Karnataka and outside. During rainy season, the river Nandini flows in full force, flooding at times. The natural surroundings around the temple in full bloom and greenery are a real treat to admire during this period. Pilgrims who visit the temple during the season love the scenic beauty and divine atmosphere in the temple vicinity.

The temple is situated on an islet in the middle of the sacred river Nandini amidst panoramic scenes and fascinating greenery. Devotees and followers from all over the world come to Kateel every year in huge numbers to participate in Simhamaasa, Navarathri and other holy festivals and special occasions. Several educational institutions are also run through the temple's trust. 

The temple's trust also encourages several forms of arts. Notable among them is the Yakshagana Dashavathara Mela which was started as an offering to the goddess. During Dussera, Navaratri and other annual celebrations several sacred rituals like, Chandika havana, Thula bhaara, Veda parayana, Hari kathas are performed to appease the goddess.

When goddess slew Shumbha and Nishumbha, Arunasura, one of the ministers, had fled from the battlefield and saved his life. Later he became the leader of the Rakshasas (demons). He began to haress the sages and disrupt their Yajnas. As a result, the Devas stopped the rain, which resulted in drought and scarcity of water and food grains. Moved by the pathetic conditions of the people Maharishi Jabali, the great sage decided to perform a Yajna to appease the Devas. He approached Devendra and requested him to send Kamadhenu (a sacred cow) with him for the ritual. Since Kamadhenu had been to Varuna Loka, Devendra permitted the sage to take Nandini, the daughter of Kamadhenu in order to assist him as Homadhenu (symbolic cow for ritual) in his proposed Yajna. Jabali went to Nandini and put forth his request. In reply Nandini was upset and abused the people there, and refused to accompany him. When the sage found that Nandini was firm in her refusal, he cursed her to flow as a river on the earth. As Nandini prayed to Jabali for mercy, kind hearted sage advised her to pray Adhishakti to free herself from the curse. Accordingly she prayed to Adhishakti. Pleased by her prayer and meditation, the goddess appeared before Nandini and told her that she has to flow as a river as the result of the curse, as nobody could trespass the words (Rishi vakya) of a holy sage. But she added, ‘I shall take birth as your daughter in due course and purify you from this curse’. Satisfied by this assurance Nandini emerged as a river from Kanakagiri on the day of Magha Shuddha Poornima and made the earth fertile with bountiful nature once again.

Meanwhile Arunasura acquired a boon from Brahma, which made him free from the fear of death by Trinity, Devas, men or women or by any two-legged or four-legged animals and creatures. Goddess Saraswati also blessed him with Gayathri Mantra (holy chants). All these boons made him the most powerful person. He defeated the Devatas and conquered heaven. Disheartened by the disastrous defeat, the Devatas, along with Trinity pleaded with Adhishakti to rescue them. The Goddess said that unless and until Arunasura is prevented from reciting Gayathri Mantra she too would not be able to destroy him. She suggested them to send Brihaspathi (Guru of Devatas) to distract Arunasura from his meditation of Gayathri Mantra, and make him miss the Gayathri recitation so that she would be able to kill him. Brihaspathi approached Arunasura, flattered him, poisoned his ears and succeeded in diverting his attention from meditation. Now Arunasura vainly felt that he was more than God himself. He not only ordered his subjects to worship him but also troubled the sages and distrupted their Yajnas. As promised to the Devas, Goddess took the shape of Mohini, a charming woman and began to wander in the garden of Arunasura. Chanda and Prachanda, ministers of Arunasura saw her and informed the master about her beauty. Arunasura decided to marry her and approached her. When she turned deaf ears to his request and teased him for fleeing from the battle-field, afraid of the lady who killed his masters Shumbha and Nishumbha, he became furious. When he tried to take her by force, she disappeared inside a rock. Arunasura broke the rock with his sword. Suddenly, a vast swarm of bees emerged from the rock and stung him. Devi had taken the form of a big, furious bee that is 'Bhramara' and stung him repeatedly till his last breath. Now the Devas and the sages led by Jabali performed ‘Abhishekham’ (holy bath) to Devi with tender coconuts brought from the Kalpavriksha of Devaloka, and prayed to her to bless the world with 'Soumya Roopa' (tender posture). According to this request Devi emerged in the form of 'Linga' (symbolic holy rock) in the middle of the river Nandini and is known as Shree Durga Parameshwari. ‘Kati’ means waist and ‘ila’ means earth. So Kateel stands for that area of the earth, which is the Kati, or the centre of the river Nandini. The Nandini is purified by the birth of Adhishakti in her ‘Kati’ and Durga Parameshwari is here for the good of the universe and blesses those who come to her.

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The temple's trust also encourages different forms of  performing arts. Notable among them is the Yakshagaana, Dashavathara Mela which was started as an offering to the goddess. Yakshagaana is a traditional theatre form combining dance, music, spoken word, dramatic costumes, makeup, and stage technique with a distinct style and form of mythological story-telling. Both the word Yakshagaana and its world are both interesting and intriguing. It is a theatre form mainly prevalent in the coastal districts and adjacent areas, in Karnataka. Yakshagaana is one of the most lively folk art traditions in the world. There are about five full fledged troupes in Kateel. They go on tour between November to May, performing Seva shows as Parake of devotees. Usually the show starts from 9 pm and goes on till 6 am in the morning. Some of the performers have made a name for themselves and the the Kateel trust with their performances in Karnataka, all over India and even abroad where people from South Kanara are settled.

Annadaana makes Shree Kshethra a place to go. Every day about 2000 people get hot and tasty traditional Prasada Bhojan which exceeds 4000 on Fridays. During the other festivals and Navaraathri, on Fridays of Simhamaasa, more than 8000 devotees get Shree Devi's Bhojan Prasadam. Except on Ekaadashi, on all other days at noon and at night free meals are served to the devotees after the Mahapooja. Except on holidays all the students of the institutions (more than 1500) run by the trust, are provided with free meals since the last 15 years. They have big and spacious hall near the temple where arrangements are made for the sitting and eating the hot meals, served made under under the supervision of the temple authorities, made in huge and clean kitchen with attention focused on the quality and hygiene. Devotees depart with a sense of satisfaction of being blessed by the goddess and having the prasad.

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Bharata, My Brother
by Anil Kumar Naik

- Foreword by Shri Asaranna Swami,
Durga Parmeshwari temple, Kateel, Karnataka.

Price: Rs 200 + P&F Rs 30

(NB: P & F chrgs for India)

Picture Post:
Shri Krishna Temple, Udupi, Karnataka

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